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Magick Entwined is a Forum dedicated to the unification of all Magick. Magick that is as bright as the Sun, or as dark as a Moonless, Starless, lightless Night. We come together to share our knowledge, our belief's, and our Love. Welcome all!
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 Update part 1

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2 posters

Posts : 554
Join date : 2010-09-07
Age : 1802
Location : On my lotus throne

Update part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Update part 1   Update part 1 Icon_minitime1September 18th 2011, 12:03 am

The Karma and point system has arrived.
- Points are earned by posting and can be collected and used for a later to be revealed purpose.
- Karma is earned or taken away by the voting system or thank you button. votes will add +1 or -1 a thanks will +3. A reported post reviewed inappropriate will earn you a -3. Please cast your votes appropriately and carefully as it affect's the user's reputation.
-The voting buttons are on the right hand side, tiny plus and minus symbol. At this point I was unable to change the symbol and size. will have to make do temporarily.

Additional buttons were added, the icon for new in forums is now green and hot is now appropriately red. As there was some confusion.

Some more special ranks were added:

Professor : Professor of the university
Ambassador : Dignitary and representative of another forum or website.

Magocracy titles:
Magocrat: Member of the magocracy
Magocrat Minister: A Magocrat part of the Grand Magocrat's cabinet
Magistrate of the Magocracy: The leader of the opposition of the ruling person/party.
Chancellor of the Magocracy: The neutral unbiased leader and overseer of the magocracy. (appointed)
Deputy Grand Magocrat: Deputy leader of the ruling person/party
Grand Magocrat: The head of government of the Magocracy.

Additional information in the development of the Magocracy will be posted in the respective forum.

Widgets have been added to the portal of varying use. Most are novelty but I hope you find them usefull or entertaining. I am debating whether or not to add some to the forum area. Let me know you're thoughts and suggestions on the widgets.

The second part of the update will follow fairly shortly. This will include images and icons to decorate titles and random details here and there.
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Tatanial Kayhon
Tatanial Kayhon

Posts : 351
Join date : 2010-03-30
Age : 2023
Location : Everyvere

Update part 1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Update part 1   Update part 1 Icon_minitime1September 19th 2011, 6:10 pm

Let it also be noted that abuse of the Karma buttons will also result in -3 Karma as well as further punishment.
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